Fiber Optics is a rare and valuable crafting material in Fallout 76, essential for crafting advanced mods and devices, particularly laser weapons and modifications. This resource is challenging to obtain due to its scarcity, making it a sought-after item for players aiming to complete daily and weekly timed challenges. In this article, we will explore the best ways to farm Fiber Optics, including the most productive locations and junk items to dismantle.
What Are Fiber Optics Used For?
Fiber Optics are crucial for crafting laser weapons and their respective mods. Additionally, they are required for various timed challenges, which can earn players season tickets and other rewards. The scarcity of this material often leads to a significant time investment in farming, especially for items like the Kovac Orbital Strike Beacons, which require five Fiber Optics per piece.
How to Obtain Fiber Optics
There are several ways to obtain Fiber Optics in Fallout 76:
Dismantling Junk Items:
Microscopes: These are the most abundant and accessible junk items for farming Fiber Optics. Each Microscope yields one Fiber Optic upon dismantling.
Biometric Scanners: These also yield one Fiber Optic when dismantled.
Flight Data Recorders: These provide two Fiber Optics when scrapped.
Fiber Optics Bundles: These are rare and yield 20 Fiber Optics when dismantled.
Fog Crawlers:
Fog Crawlers are rare creatures that can drop Fiber Optics. They spawn randomly in specific locations, such as Carleton Mine, which guarantees at least one Fog Crawler in its instanced interior.
Junk Piles:
Installing a Junk Extractor on Junk Piles at various workshops can yield Fiber Optics bundles. Workshops like Charleston Landfill, Converted Munitions Factory, and Gorge Junkyard are good locations.
Vendor Purchases:
Occasionally, vendors at Whitespring Refuge or Watoga may have bulk Fiber Optics available for purchase.
Best Locations to Farm Fiber Optics
Some of the most productive locations for farming Fiber Optics include:
AVR Medical Center: Known for its abundance of Microscopes.
Ella Ames' Bunker: Another location with a high concentration of Microscopes.
Morgantown High School: The science lab here also contains several Microscopes.
Morgantown Airport: The medical hanger has a few Microscopes as well.
Tips for Efficient Farming
Server Hopping: If you find that Microscopes have been picked up by other players, consider server hopping to find fresh spawns.
Tagging for Search: Use your Pip-Boy to tag items that contain Fiber Optics, making them easier to spot in the environment.
Fog Crawler Events: Participate in events like Meat Week in the Cranberry Bog to increase your chances of encountering Fog Crawlers.
In addition to these methods, managing your inventory and prioritizing the acquisition of Fallout 76 items like Microscopes and Fiber Optics bundles can significantly enhance your crafting efficiency. By ensuring you regularly dismantle junk items and optimize your storage space, you can ensure a steady supply of the Fiber Optics needed for advanced crafting projects. Moreover, keeping an eye out for special events and sales at vendors can further bolster your collection of essential materials.
In conclusion, while Fiber Optics are challenging to obtain, focusing on dismantling Microscopes and Biometric Scanners, as well as occasionally hunting Fog Crawlers, can help you meet your crafting needs in Fallout 76.